Shurma by L. Akhter
Bangladeshi Canadian poet L. Akhter’s voice glimmers with tenderness and pain for the child she was and woman she has grown to be in this poetry collection.
Baetoul’s Foundational Reads
Dive into a bookworm’s obscure and niche reading history…if you dare.
A close read of “Outside” by Megan Theeee Stallion…
A close read of the ideas around sexual liberation in Megan Thee Stallion’s “Outside”…
Malcolm & Marie: The Power of Dialogue
For people like me who skip past lengthy descriptions in novels and jump straight to where the action is, the dialogue, this movie is pretty great. I love dialogue because it can be a much better vehicle for characterization than description.
At The Mercy Of Men
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo is an emotion rending exploration of how so much of being a woman in today’s world is being at the mercy of the systems of patriarchy and capitalism, and how they work inextricably together to keep women at the mercy of men.